Vero Voting Channels

Our online voting platform ensures integrity, security, independence and most importantly accessibility from anywhere in the world.

We use state-of-the-art voting algorithms to prevent votes from being manipulated and are secured via SSL 256-bit encryption. This to ensure that no vote is compromised. The anonymized platform is location-independent and ensures anyone can take part in the vote regardless of age, gender and disability.

Online Voting is the default voting method for all our voting services. Our system is simple and easy to use and is highly customisable for any organisation.

  • Voter authentication and security
  • Platform Agnostic (Operating System Independent)
  • Automatic counting of votes with a fast declaration of results. The declaration generally within an hour of vote closing
  • Voting receipt and self-check process for the validity of vote
  • Integrates with all other voting channels.
  • Redundancy, backups, firewalls and full data services.
  • Online banking equivalent infrastructure that provides the highest possible level of data security, transactions and system redundancy.
  • Real-time dashboard for in-vote reporting whilst maintaining the anonymity.

How It Works:

Step 1: Voter Authentication

The voter authentication page acts as a barrier to keep out people who aren’t entitled to vote in your ballot. This page is the digital equivalent of getting your name marked off the voter roll at a polling station. Before a person can access the online ballot paper, they need to confirm who they are by providing details that match a voter record in our system.

Step 2: Vote Online

If a person provides valid details at the first step, they will progress to the ballot paper and mark their voting preferences. Our online voting platform has built in rules that prevent invalid votes from being submitted, and because of the authenticated environment, no one can vote twice.

Step 3: Voting Receipt

After the vote has been submitted the preference is recorded in a separate database to ensure anonymity is protected. The voter gets a receipt number that they can use to confirm their vote was lodged successfully. This offers a level of transparency that you simply don’t get with anonymous in person or postal voting.